Flexion Distraction


These chiropractic tables allowed controlled flexion and distraction movements. It’s designed to help with disc-related issues, improve mobility, and alleviate compression.
Flexion Distraction


Management of disc-related issues

Precision and consistency in movements

Alleviation of compression

Suitable for :

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Leander Flexion Distraction Painful?

Leander Flexion Distraction is generally not painful. The treatment involves controlled and gentle movements of the spine to address disc-related issues and improve spinal function. Patients may feel mild stretching or pressure, but it is not typically described as painful.

How Does Leander Flexion Distraction Work?

The Leander table facilitates specific controlled movements of the spine, incorporating flexion and distraction. This technique is designed to target disc-related problems, reduce nerve compression, and enhance overall spinal function.

What Conditions Can Leander Flexion Distraction Address?

Leander Flexion Distraction is commonly used to manage conditions such as disc herniations, sciatica, and spinal stenosis. It is particularly effective for issues related to the lumbar spine and may also be applied to the cervical spine.

How Many Sessions Are Typically Required?

The number of sessions varies based on the individual’s condition and response to treatment. Some patients experience relief after a few sessions, while others may require a more extended treatment plan. The chiropractor will discuss a personalized approach during the initial assessment.

Are There Any Side Effects of Leander Flexion Distraction?

Side effects are generally minimal. Some patients may experience temporary soreness or mild discomfort, but serious complications are rare. Any concerns or unexpected reactions should be discussed with the chiropractor.

Can Leander Flexion Distraction Be Combined with Other Treatments?

Yes, Leander Flexion Distraction can often be combined with other chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, or complementary therapies for a more comprehensive approach to spinal health.

How Long Does Each Leander Flexion Distraction Session Last?

Sessions typically last 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the individual’s condition and the chiropractor’s assessment. The duration can be adjusted based on the patient’s needs.

Can Leander Flexion Distraction Help with Post-Surgical Recovery?

In some cases, Leander Flexion Distraction may be beneficial during post-surgical recovery, especially for conditions involving the spine. However, the chiropractor will assess the appropriateness of the treatment in the post-surgical context.

Are There Any Contraindications for Leander Flexion Distraction?

While generally safe, there are contraindications for certain conditions such as severe spinal instability or recent spinal surgery. The chiropractor will perform a thorough assessment to ensure the suitability of the treatment.

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